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Excel File In Asp Net C#


In this article I will explain how to import data from Excel files sheet and display in DataGridView control in Windows Forms WinForms application using C and. Here you will learn how to Create Excel file in ASP. NET using C. Import data from Excel file to Windows Forms Data. Grid. View using C and VB. Net. In this article I will explain how to import data from Excel files sheet and display in Data. Grid. View control in Windows Forms Win. Forms application using C and VB. Net. The Excel sheet data will be read into a Data. Table which is then used to populate the Data. Grid. View control. Form Controls. I have added a Data. Grid. View, two Radio Buttons and a Button to the Windows Form. I have also added an Open. File. Dialog to the Form which allow us to select the excel file. Namespaces. You will need to import the following namespaces. Cusing System. IO using System. This article shows how to insert Excel File records Into a SQL Server database using ASP. Net C. How to open an Excel file in C The following section explains how to open and read an Excel file through C. For open or read an Excel file in C, first you have to. OUu.jpg' alt='Excel File In Asp Net C#' title='Excel File In Asp Net C#' />Data using System. Data. Ole. Db VB. Net. Imports System. IOImports System. Data. Imports System. Data. Ole. Db. Connection Strings to the Excel. Excel versions 9. UploadFile/0c1bb2/export-gridview-to-pdf/Images/PDFdiaologue.jpg' alt='Excel File In Asp Net C#' title='Excel File In Asp Net C#' />Excel File In Asp Net C#Excel 2. I have declared two connection strings of which one uses Microsoft Jet Engine for older versions and the other one uses Microsoft Ace for newer versions. Cprivatestring Excel. Con. String ProviderMicrosoft. Jet. OLEDB. 4. 0 Data Source0 Extended PropertiesExcel 8. HDR1 privatestring Excel. Con. String ProviderMicrosoft. ACE. OLEDB. 1. 2. Data Source0 Extended PropertiesExcel 8. HDR1 VB. Net. Private Excel. Con. String As. String ProviderMicrosoft. Jet. OLEDB. 4. 0 Data Source0 Extended PropertiesExcel 8. HDR1Private Excel. Generic Non-Pnp Monitor On Standard Vga Graphics Adapter Driver. Con. String As. String ProviderMicrosoft. Excel File In Asp Net C#' title='Excel File In Asp Net C#' />This article demostrates with code on how to Export data to an Excel file using Asp. Net. It supports all excel versions since it uses Microsoft. Office. Interop. Excel File In Asp Net C#ACE. Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising Full Game Torrent'>Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising Full Game Torrent. OLEDB. 1. 2. Data Source0 Extended PropertiesExcel 8. HDR1Selecting the Excel File. When the Select File button is clicked, it shows the Open File Dialog, using which we need to select the Excel file we want to import to Data. Grid. View control. Cprivatevoid btn. SelectClickobject sender, Event. Args e    open. File. Dialog. 1. Show. Dialog VB. Net. Private. Sub btn. SelectClicksender As. Object, e As. Event. Args Handles btn. Select. Click    Open. File. Dialog. 1. Show. DialogEnd. Sub. Importing the Excel Files Sheet to Data. Grid. View control. As soon as the Excel File is selected the following event handler is executed. Here first the path of the Excel file is determined and then its extension. Using the extension of the Excel file, appropriate connection string variable is chosen and the connection string is built using the path of the file and value of the Radio. Buttons which determine whether the Excel file has header or not. Next the name of the first sheet is determined and then the sheet data is read into a Data. Table which ultimately is bound to the Data. Grid. View control. Cprivatevoid open. File. Dialog. 1File. Okobject sender, System. Component. Model. Cancel. Event. Args e    string file. Path open. File. Dialog. File. Name    string extension Path. Get. Extensionfile. Path    string header rb. Header. Yes. Checked YES NO    string con. Str, sheet. Name    con. Str string. Empty    switch extension            case. Excel 9. 7 0. 3            con. Str string. FormatExcel. Con. String, file. Path, header            break        case. Excel 0. 7            con. Str string. FormatExcel. Con. String, file. Path, header            break        Get the name of the First Sheet. Ole. Db. Connection con new. Ole. Db. Connectioncon. Str            using Ole. Db. Command cmd new. Ole. Db. Command                    cmd. Connection con            con. Open            Data. Table dt. Excel. Schema con. Get. Ole. Db. Schema. TableOle. Db. Schema. Guid. Tables, null            sheet. Name dt. Excel. Schema. Rows0TABLENAME. To. String            con. Close                Read Data from the First Sheet. Ole. Db. Connection con new. Ole. Db. Connectioncon. Str            using Ole. Db. Command cmd new. Ole. Db. Command                    using Ole. Db. Data. Adapter oda new. Ole. Db. Data. Adapter                            Data. Table dt new. Data. Table                cmd. Command. Text SELECT From sheet. Name                 cmd. Connection con                con. Open                oda. Select. Command cmd                oda. Filldt                con. Close                Populate Data. Grid. View.                 data. Grid. View. 1. Data. Source dt                        VB. Net. Private. Sub open. File. Dialog. 1File. Oksender As. Object, e As System. Component. Model. Cancel. Event. Args Handles Open. File. Dialog. 1. File. Ok    Dim file. Path As. String Open. File. Dialog. 1. File. Name    Dim extension As. String Path. Get. Extensionfile. Path    Dim header As. String Ifrb. Header. Yes. Checked, YES, NO    Dim con. Str As. String, sheet. Name As. String    con. Str String. Empty    Select. Case extension        Case. Excel 9. 7 0. 3            con. Str String. FormatExcel. Con. String, file. Path, header            Exit Select        Case. Excel 0. 7            con. Str String. FormatExcel. Con. String, file. Path, header            Exit Select    End. Select    Get the name of the First Sheet. Using con As. New. Ole. Db. Connectioncon. Str        Using cmd As. New. Ole. Db. Command            cmd. Connection con            con. Open            Dim dt. Excel. Schema As. Data. Table con. Get. Ole. Db. Schema. TableOle. Db. Schema. Guid. Tables, Nothing            sheet. Name dt. Excel. Schema. Rows0TABLENAME. To. String            con. Close        End. Using    End. Using    Read Data from the First Sheet. Using con As. New. Ole. Db. Connectioncon. Str        Using cmd As. New. Ole. Db. Command            Using oda As. New. Ole. Db. Data. Adapter                Dim dt As. New. Data. Table                cmd. Command. Text Convert. To. StringSELECT From sheet. Name                 cmd. Connection con                con. Open                oda. Select. Command cmd                oda. Filldt                con. Close                Populate Data. Grid. View.                 data. Grid. View. 1. Data. Source dt            End. Using        End. Using    End. Using. End. Sub. Screenshots. Excel File. Data. Grid. View with Excel data. Exceptions. It is possible that you might get the following exception while trying to import Excel version 2.

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