Procurement Database Template
Project Management Plan Template Project Management Plan Introduction Full Project Delivery Stage Intro Page Full IT Enabled Projects NPMS Real Property. Project Name. Branch. National Project Management System. Business Projects IT Enabled. Planning Phase. Instructions. Document Purpose. The Project Management Plan defines the project objective and scope as well as how it is executed, monitored, and controlled during the Delivery Stage. Welcome to Bureau of Public Procurement. The Public Procurement Act 2007 established the Bureau of Public Procurement as the regulatory authority responsible for the. MS-Access-Training-Template.png' alt='Procurement Database Template Download' title='Procurement Database Template Download' />Who Produces This Document The assigned Project Manager produces the Project Management Plan in collaboration with the project team members and in consultation with the functional organizations involved in the managerial and technical processes described herein. Using this Template To create a Project Management Plan from this template, simply Replace the title on the cover page with the name of your project and the organization information. Replace the lt italicized text in the document header with your project name and information. Save your document with a filename that is in accordance with current Branch document naming standards. Update the filename in the document footer by right clicking and selecting edit footer. Complete the entire template. Established in 1951, IOM is the leading intergovernmental organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non. Full Text Judgments on all subjects of law of all High Courts since inception Case Notes Citing Reference in Judgments since inception Follow up of the High Court. To create a Project Management Plan from this template, simply Replace the title on the cover page with the name of your project and the organization information. Your very own procurement expert Our dedicated Account Managers support thousands of our customers across England and Wales and are on hand to help with all your. UNDP, the United Nations Development Programme, the UNs global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and. Procurement Database Template' title='Procurement Database Template' />Each section contains abbreviated instructions, shown in italics, which can be removed once your document is finalized. Tables are also provided as a suggested layout for some of the information required. Update the table of contents by right clicking and selecting Update Field, then update entire table. Note Replace all the text between the less thangreater than symbols lt with project specific statements. Update all automatic fields e. F9. Delete this page when the Project Management Plan is complete. Revision History. Table Summary. The table describes the revisions history of the project management plan with version number, description, date modified and author. Version Number. Description. Date Modified. Author. Authority Signatures. The Project Lead Business Side and the Project Manager agree to deliver the Delivery Stage of this project in accordance with this Project Management Plan and amend it periodically as project parameters change. Prepared by PSPCSignature. Please print Name Position Date Prepared by PSPCSignature. Please print Name Project Analyst Date Recommended by PSPCSignature Please print Name Title Date Approved by See NPMS procedures for approval BodyPSPCSignature. Please print Name Title Date Table of Contents. Executive Summary. Top 10 First Person Shooter Games For Pc 2007. Describe the key issues driving the project. Clearly demonstrate the problemopportunity and how resolution of this problemopportunity provides best value, while meeting investment plan, business, technical or legalpoliticalregulatory objectives. Summarize the results of the Project Identification Stage e. Summarize the solution selected from the Business Case. Define the objectives of the project and the intended business results. Define quantitative and measurable objectives that can be used as criteria by which key stakeholders will judge the success of the project. Some of this information can be extracted from the Project Charter. Integration Management. Integration Management includes all of the processes required to unify, coordinate and manage all project elements to completion. Integration Management crosses all phases of projects and includes change management, execution, control and close out. Briefly describe how this will be accomplished. Project Governance and Project Team Structure. Describe the organizational boundaries between the project and external entities. Define and describe communication with senior management, customers, subcontractors, purchasing, sales, marketing, legal, finance, procurement, installation and support organizations, standards or certification bodies, auditors, manufacturing, and the like. Using a diagram, illustrate corporate governance bodies that may be involved in the approval process and describe their roles and responsibilities in section 2. Illustrate the project team structure and relationships in a style adapted to the project size and complexity e. The diagram below illustrates an example. Roles and Responsibilities. List the major roles identified in the project team structure diagram as well as internal and external project stakeholders who are not specifically members of the project team. Describe their relevance to the project and their degree of interaction for specific project activities. Change Management. Describe how change will be managed throughout the Delivery Stage of this project. This should include Change Management processes, roles and responsibilities, tools and techniques and reporting. Change Control. Describe the Change Control process that will be used including Change governance. Change identification and request management. Impact analysis. Change approval process. Change tracking. 2. Issue Management. Specify the process to capture and maintain information on all issues. Describe how the issues are classified and prioritized based on the assessment of their impact. Define the escalation process that is applied when an issue cannot be resolved at the level where it was identified. Information on the Integrated Change Control process can be found in the NPMS Integration Management Knowledge Area. Project Close Out. Include the plans necessary to ensure orderly close out of the project. Items in the close out plan should include a staff reassignment plan, a plan for archiving project materials, a plan for post mortem debriefings of project personnel, and preparation of a final report to include lessons learned and analysis of project objectives achieved. Scope Management. Describe how scope will be managed throughout the Delivery Stage of this project. This could include information on specific Scope Management processes such as scope verification and control, development of work breakdown structure, roles and responsibilities, tools and techniques and reporting. Scope Statement. Provide a scope statement, including what is within and what is not within scope that is, the scope of the project needed to meet the stated objective. Brendan Benson One Mississippi Rar more. It is important to keep in mind that scope includes the requirements for both the product scope the features and functions of a product or service and project scope the work required to deliver the product. Information on Scope Management can be found in the NPMS Scope Management Knowledge Area. Table Summary. The table describes the activities that are in scope and the activities that are out of scope. Activities In Scope. Activities Out of Scope 3. Requirements Management. Requirements will feed into the details of the project and product scope. Describe how requirements will be gathered, detailed, validated, controlled and managed. Also include tools and processes that will be used, such as requirements mapping. Project Deliverables. List the major items to be delivered to the customers, subcontractors, integrators, or other parties. As appropriate, list the deliverables, their recipients, interim and final delivery dates, and delivery method. A table like the one below is a good way to show this information. The list should differentiate the project management deliverables e. Commonly used deliverables in Business Projects IT Enabled projects can be found in the document List of Project Deliverables.