Speed Haste Game
Weapons Special Abilities Lineage 2 Game Drop Calculator InterludeKamaelHellboundGraciaFreyaHi. Go. DLineage Weapons Special Abilities Information. Monsters that can level crystals. SA and Stat for IcarusVesperBofessElegia Weapon. Speed traduction anglaisfranais. Forums pour discuter de speed, voir ses formes composes, des exemples et poser vos questions. Gratuit. In addition A or S grade weapon with a special ability do more. Pv. P. Dual Sword Special Abilities. Grade. Dual Weapon Name. Description when enchanted to 4CCrimson SwordElven Long Sword. Accuracy will increase by 2. CElven Swordlven Long Sword. P. Atk will increase by 6. CSword of Revolutionword of Revolution. Maximum HP will increase by 2. CSword of Revolutionlven Long Sword. Critical Attack will increase by 5. CElven Long Swordlven Long Sword. Atk. Spd. will increase by 4. CStormbringertormbringer. Accuracy will increase by 2. CStormbringeratana. Maximum HP will increase by 2. CStormbringeraid Sword. Atk. Spd. will increase by 2. CStormbringerhamshir. P. Atk. will increase by 4. CStormbringerpirit Sword. Critical attack will increase by 2. CKatanaatana. Atk. Spd. will increase by 4. CKatanaaid Sword. P. Atk. will increase by 8. CKatanapirit Sword. Accuracy will increase by 2. Speed Haste Game' title='Speed Haste Game' />6 Game Play In this section you will learn everything you need to know about Tibias game play. This includes detailed information on characters, on the world and. CRaid Swordaid Sword. Atk. Spd. will increase by 4. CShamshiratana. P. Atk. will increase by 8. CShamshiraid Sword. Critical will increase by 4. CShamshirhamshir. Accuracy will increase by 2. CShamshirpirit Sword. Maximum HP will increase by 2. CSpirit Swordaid Sword. Critical will increase by 4. CSpirit Swordpirit Sword. Maximum HP will increase by 2. BStormbringeraliburs. Accuracy will increase by 5. BStormbringerword of Delusion. Maximum HP will increase by 2. BStormbringerword of Limit. P. Atk will increase by 1. BStormbringerword of Nightmare. Critical will increase by 7. BStormbringersurugi. Atk. Spd. will increase by 7. BKatanaaliburs. Accuracy will increase by 4. BKatanaword of Delusion. Maximum HP will increase by 2. BKatanaword of Limit. P. Atk. will increase by 1. BKatanaword of Nightmare. Critical will increase by 6. BKatanasurugi. Atk. Spd. will increase by 6. BRaid Swordaliburs. Accuracy will increase by 4. BRaid Swordword of Delusion. Maximum HP will increase by 2. BRaid Swordword of Limit. P. Atk. will increase by 1. BRaid Swordword of Nightmare. Critical will increase by 6. BRaid Swordsurugi. Atk. Spd. will increase by 6. BShamshiraliburs. Accuracy will increase by 4. BShamshirword of Delusion. Maximum HP will increase by 2. BShamshirword of Limit. P. Atk. will increase by 1. BShamshirword of Nightmare. Critical will increase by 6. BShamshirsurugi. Atk. Spd. will increase by 6. BSpirit Swordaliburs. Accuracy will increase by 4. BSpirit Swordword of Delusion. Maximum HP will increase by 2. BSpirit Swordword of Limit. P. Atk. will increase by 1. BSpirit Swordword of Nightmare. Critical will increase by 6. BSpirit Swordsurugi. Atk. Spd. will increase by 6. Tew 2010 Full Game. BCalibursaliburs. P. Atk. will increase by 1. BCalibursword of Delusion. Critical will increase by 5. BCalibursword of Limit. Maximum HP will increase by 2. BCalibursword of Nightmare. Atk. Spd. will increase by 5. BCaliburssurugi. Accuracy will increase by 4. BStormbringeramurai Long sword. Accuracy will increase by 4. BSword of Delusionword of Delusion. Accuracy will increase by 4. BSword of Delusionword of Nightmare. P. Atk. will increase by 1. BSword of Delusionsurugi. Maximum HP will increase by 2. BSword of Limitword of Delusion. Maximum HP will increase by 2. BSword of Limitword of Limit. P. Atk. will increase by 1. BSword of Limitword of Nightmare. Critical will increase by 5. BSword of Limitsurugi. Atk. Spd. will increase by 5. BSword of Nightmareword of Nightmare. Critical will increase by 5. BSword of Nightmaresurugi. Atk. Spd. will increase by 5. BTsurugisurugi. Critical will increase by 5. BKatanaamurai Long Sword. P. Atk. will increase by 1. BRaid Swordamurai Long Sword. Critical will increase by 4. BShamshiramurai Long Sword. Accuracy will increase by 3. BSpirit Swordamurai Long Sword. Maximum HP will increase by 2. BCalibursamurai Long Sword. Atk. Spd. will increase by 5. BSword of Delusionamurai Long Sword. P. Atk. will increase by 1. BSword of Limitamurai Long Sword. Accuracy will increase by 3. BSword of Nightmareamurai Long Sword. Maximum HP will increase by 2. BTsurugiamurai Long Sword. Critical will increase by 5. BSamurai Long Swordamurai Long Sword. Atk. Spd. will increase by 4. AKeshanberkeshanberk. Atk. Spd. will increase by 8. Inflicts additional damage to target during. Config 32 File Missing more. Pv. P. AKeshanberkamascus. Maximum HP will increase by 2. Enhances damage to target during. Pv. P. ADamascusamascus. Accuracy will increase by 6. Enhances damage to target during Pv. P. ADamascusallum Blade. Atk. Spd. will increase by 8. Enhances damage to target during Pv. P. STallum Bladeark Legions Edge. Max. HP 1. 5, Max. MP 2. 0, Max. CP 3. Also enhances damage to target during. Pv. P. Special Abilities List. Name. Description. Acumen. Increases Casting Speed by 1. Anger. Decreases the maximum amount of HP by 1. Back Blow. Critical Rate increases when attacking from behind. Cheap Shot. Greatly reduces the amount of MP used when attacking with a bow, for every. Conversion. Increases maximum MP by 6. HP by 4. 0Crt. Anger. When crit, own HP decreases and gives extra damage to target. Crt. Bleed. When crit, high chance of bleed effect. Crt. Damage. When crit, gives extra damage. Crt. Drain. When crit, drains some of HP off target. Crt. Poison. When crit, high chance of poison. Crt. Stun. When crit, high chance of stun. Empower Increases magic power. Evasion. Evasion increases permanently 4. Focus. Critical Rate increases permanently 1. Guidance. Accuracy increases permanently 4. Haste. Attack Speed increases permanently 7. Health. Increases maximum HP by 2. Light. Lowers the weapons weight by 7. Long Blow. Polearm range increases permanently. Magic Bless Body. When using a good spell on target, chance of Bless the Body buff. Descargar Software Para Farmacias Gratis. Magic Chaos. When using a bad spell on target, chance of Chaos. Magic Damage When using harmful magic on a target, it delivers additional magic damage. Magic Focus. When using a good spell on target, chance of Focus buff. Magic Hold. When using a bad spell on target, chance of Hold. Magic Mental Shield. When using a good spell on target, chance of Mental Shield buff. Magic Might. When using a good spell on target, chance of Might buff. Magic Paralyze When using harmful magic on a target, it will paralyze the target with. Magic Poison. When using a bad spell on target, chance of Poison. Magic Power When attacking with magic, the amount of MP used increases with a fixed. Magic Regeneration. When using a good spell on target, chance of Regeneration buff. Magic Shield. When using a good spell on target, chance of Shield buff. Magic Silence. When using harmful magic, 1. Silence against target. Effect 1. Magic Weakness. When using a bad spell on target, chance of Weakness. Mana Up. Increases maximum MP by 3. Mental Shield When using a good spell on target, chance of Mental Shield buff. Might Mortal. Permanently increases chance of Mortal BlowDeadly Blow type of styles. Note This SA can no longer be imbued on a weapon. It was. formerly available on Demon Sword, Crystal Dagger, Stilletto, Dark Elven. DaggerMiser. Chance of shoulshot consumption decreasing by 0 to 4 shots per attack. Quick Recovery. ReuseCast delay decreases permanently. Rsk. Evasion. When HP is under 6. Rsk. Focus. When HP is under 6. Rsk. Haste. When HP is under 6. Definition of Haste by Merriam Websterhaste, hurry, speed, expedition, dispatch mean quickness in movement or action.