Tear Down Manual For Taurus Judge
Five Reasons the Zombie Apocalypse Will Never Come to Pass. Aside from the fact that no actual virusinfection exists that would turn living people into soulless, plodding flesh hungry beasts, there are five reasons the zombie apocalypse will never come to pass. Just after watching the pilot episode of The Walking Dead, I decided that while I could still watch and enjoy any and all zombie films and television shows I could no longer truly abide them. Theres too many questions logged in my head from years of viewing this particular genre and here, at the end of 2. I now feel a responsibility to myself and the world to completely unravel any semblance of the well accepted cultural delusion that zombies could actually take over the world, if they existed in the form presented in popular modern media. Aside from the fact that no actual virusinfection exists that would turn living people into soulless, plodding flesh hungry beasts, I believe there are five reasons the zombie apocalypse will never come to pass. For the purposes of this dissertation, I am choosing to disregard any zombie tale in which zombies are created by some indefinable Biblical prophecy wherein all dead people rise from the grave and any person who dies after a certain point becomes a zombie whether or not theyve been infected in any way. Because come on, thats just ridiculous. Weather. You know how you have separate clothes for winter and summer Thats because getting extremely hot or cold is bad for the human body you may have gleaned this, over the years. Extended exposure to harsh summer sun andor the frigid temperatures that normally accompany snow and ice will absolutely kill fully nourished and healthy humans. So how would people with open wounds, no shelter, and rapidly decaying flesh and bone respond to being out in the sun for hours or days or weeks at a time With an intermittent diet consisting only of humananimal flesh, their bodies would quickly become dried out and malnourished, and they would soon turn to sticky puddles of death on a hot stretch of highway. And if any zombies were caught in a frigid climate, their likelihood of survival would be even further reduced. Frostbite on the limited remaining blood and fluid in their bodies would quickly eliminate motor function, reducing them to mildly cool heaps of flesh itching to be plowed into snowdrifts. Theyre already dead. Humans may be relatively fragile but at least we can fix ourselves, more often than not. Human beings can get stabbed, shot, hit by cars, dropped from great heights, drowned, and poisoned and STILL SURVIVE though to be honest, I dont know if anyones sustained all of those in quick succession. We have science, medicine, and above all functioning immune systems. Zombies would have none of these. In addition to the aforementioned problems that zombies would encounter via the elements, they have no way to solve any other physical problem that may pop up. Tear Down Manual For Taurus Judge' title='Tear Down Manual For Taurus Judge' />Oh, a zombie stepped off a curb at an awkward angle and broke hisher ankle Have fun on the asphalt. A stray dog attacks them Done. Anything that happens to a zombie is final. Their life support is largely already unplugged. TaurusTheJudgeNF.jpg' alt='Tear Down Manual For Taurus Judge' title='Tear Down Manual For Taurus Judge' />Two enterprising auto dealers in Florida managed to piss off residents across the state this week by parking their entire inventories inside parking garages opened. Subscribe and SAVE, give a gift subscription or get help with an existing subscription by clicking the links below each cover image. They cannot patch themselves up or seek help at a zombie hospital and their body cant do anything on its own. The hard work in killing them is done. Theres no right or wrong way to go about ending a zombies tenure. Its one move based purely on physics impale the brain and walk away. Disease control. Remember when everyone freaked out about SARSHow about the big Bird Flu scare, at the beginning of this century And then the big Swine Flu business last year remember that The total combined deaths of those three recent outbreaks worldwide was under 2. Even with a decade and three different battlefronts, the result was far from global eradication of our species. Further, do you know how many SARSBird FluSwine Flu deaths happened in the United States About 3,4. ALL Swine Flu related and nearly half of them were in Florida, Texas, New York, and California meaning quarantine wouldve been relatively easy to implement. Now you may be saying well, the death toll in those three instances was small because SARS and the flu are treatable and thus, not 1. Lime Soda Ash Softening. So, the number of people who were infected with SARSthe flu is a lot higher than the number of people died by them. But with the zombie infection, once youre infected, survival is not possible. And youd be right. If the zombie virus spread like the Swine Flu, over 6. Or would they No, they wouldnt. See, there is one HUGE difference between something like swine flu and the zombie virus beyond existing suitable medical treatment transmission. The reason that influenza in all its forms has hung around so long and killed so many thousands of people per year in the U. S. alone is because it is very contagious. Whether its through direct contact with fluids, aerosol germs, or touching a contaminated surface, if you believe someone around you has the flu, you basically need to avoid everyone and everything. Once the flus in the area, its very difficult to remain flu free. But one unchanging part in nearly all of the zombie mythos is thus you can only become a zombie if you are bitten by a zombie. So to avoid becoming infected with the zombie virus all you need to do is not get bitten. How hard could that beWell, for real world comparison, how many times have you contracted rabies Exactly. On average, less than 3 people die of rabies in the U. S. annually. The lack of rabies related death can be attributed to effective vaccinations but also because, at this point, people know not to get within biting distance of wild animals. So, if you knew a zombie virus was out there, would you get within biting distance of any person you didnt know to be zombie free to say nothing of getting within biting distance of any person who looked like a zombieWouldnt you wear long sleeves and pants and denim and leather all the time just to ensure no zombie could even accidentally pierce your skin Seriously, one aspect rarely dramatized in zombie stories is that based on how difficult it is to contract the zombie virus becoming a zombie would be embarrassing more than anything, as it is a clear message that youre just a total idiot. Anyway, my point is this we dont live in 1. Europe. Zombification isnt the Black Death. And even if the zombie virus was transmitted by rats or fleas like Black Death again, its not the 1. When a disease of any kind threatens us in the year 2. A video of zombies would be on Twit. Vid within an hour of being filmed. We learn about it. Make 1.2 Ghz Patch Antenna. We can handle it. We close borders and set up mobile clinics. We may not solve it immediately but you know those two places, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization Theyre more than a couple of offices with fluorescent lights and file cabinets. They figure out how diseases work. And even if it took a month or a year or even ten years to figure out how to treat the infected, these nationalglobal groups would have no qualms about running PSAs every 1. Theyre mindless. Whether you believe they can run or not, one inescapable truth about zombies since their introduction to pop culture has been that they are conclusively no longer human. They cant speak. They cant avoid danger. They cant use tools. They cant hide and wait until your back is turned.