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ScreenHunter_01%20Aug.%2010%2016.11.gif' alt='Cds Isis Library Software' title='Cds Isis Library Software' />Joint Library Committee JLC, Bangalore catalog. Welcome to Joint Library Committee, Bangalore. Cooperation and collaboration are ways of encouraging and strengthening each other in our various fields of work. In sharing our resources and expertise with one another, we can serve each other and our clientele more effectively. This was the underlying factor which brought the theological colleges in Bangalore together to form a consortium of theological college libraries. It was on October 2. Co operative Library Development was held at the United Theological College, Bangalore. Cds Isis Library Software' title='Cds Isis Library Software' />Cds Isis Library SoftwareCds Isis Library SoftwareFactsheet. Greenstone is a suite of software for building and distributing digital library collections. It is not a digital library but a tool for building digital. Biometric Special Databases and Software. Evaluates fingerprint classification and facial recognition systems color FERET Database. Helps to develop, test, and. Representatives from Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society CISRS, St. Anthonys Friary, Southern Asia Bible College SABC, St. Peters Seminary, Kristu Jyoti College, Dharmaram, United Theological College UTC and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore IIMB, participated in that meeting. At this meeting it was decided to call this co operative as the Joint Library Committee JLC. It was also decided that it would meet four times a year. Right from the beginning the members meant business. The first task was to bring out a handbook with a brief information about each participating institution and library and a list of periodicals available in each library. Inter library loan between the participating libraries was also recommended. To date, the inter library loan is running smoothly. The first Joint Library Committee JLC meeting was held at St. Peters Seminary on 1. January 1. 98. 5. Representatives from seven institutions Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society, Kristu Jyothi College, St. Alphonsus College, St. Anthonys Friary, St. Peters Seminary, Southern Asia Bible College and United Theological College, were present at this meeting. We were also happy to have a representative from Vidyajyothi, Delhi at this meeting. At this meeting it was decided that the handbook to be brought out would be titled as Handbook of the JLC, Bangalore. As mentioned earlier, the members were very enthusiastic and took active part in all the meetings of the JLC which was held from time to time at various member institutions. This enabled the members to get to see and learn from other libraries, it was a time of fellowship and interchange of ideas and concerns. The JLC meetings were not only times of fun and fellowship among JLC members, but also times when we had papers presented by specialists in the field of library science, followed by discussions. We not only visited the member institutions and libraries, but also other secular institutions and libraries. In September 1. 98. Mr. Munisamy, Director of the Karnataka State Archives presented a paper on Organization of Archival Materials. In February 1. Karnataka State Archives, and to hear a paper presentation on conservation of archival materials. By 1. 98. 6, the JLC membership started increasing steadily. Also at our meetings we had the privilege of meeting and listening to papers presented by specialists from The Indian Institute of Science, Documentation Research and Training Centre, Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, Jnana Bharathi Bangalore University, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore etc. Numark Mixtrack Pro 2 Virtual Dj Skin here. Different concerns and issues were raised, as to how best we could collaborate and cooperate. Some expressed that lists of new arrivals could be circulated among members, extra copies of journals could be exchanged or purchased etc. Attempts were made to compile a joint catalogue of JLC libraries. Some of the concerns and issues could be executed, e. JLC List of Reference Books, Exchange or purchase of journals etc. July 1. 98. 8, saw a change in the leadership, as Fr. Kuriakose expressed his desire to hand over the convenership, and in his place Fr. Gerard Pushparaj was elected by the members. With the advent of computers into the JLC libraries in the 1. Concerns and apprehensions connected with computerization and networking, and which software to use etc., were voiced at the meetings. We also had meetings when some library software were being showcased. In 1. 99. 4 with the increase in membership, members felt that a revision of the JLC Handbook needs to be published with a further updated list of periodicals, and this time to include the Masters and Doctoral theses available in each library. The sub committee under the leadership of Dr. J. Patmury started working on compiling the data, and the Handbook with Listing of Periodicals and Dissertations of JLC Libraries was released at the JLC meeting at Kristu Jyothi College on 2. March 1. 99. 6 and it was priced at Rs. Subsequently, in October 2. Supplement to the Handbook 1. Listing of Periodicals and Dissertations of JLC Libraries, but in a computer print out form with spiral binding on account of financial constraints. Suggestion for a JLC constitution, was expressed in Sept. A sub committee was formed which came up with a draft proposal in Sept. At the JLC meeting in November 2. The editorial committee under the leadership of Fr. Mathew Thekkekara gave the final formulation to the Constitution and By laws, which finally came out in 2. Information Technology has truly enhanced the way libraries can serve their clientele better and faster. With this in mind the new millennium saw JLC experimenting with new ways on collaborating and cooperating. It was really a challenging time for JLC with different projects being planned like forming consortiums to subscribe and share databases, creating a periodical index of Indian Christian journals, hosting a JLC website, JLC Union Catalogue etc. Apart from paper presentations at meetings, and sharing different concerns like bar coding, security systems, members were encouraged to attend workshops on CDSISIS, WINISIS, KOHA etc. JLC which would help in networking. The JLC is now working on a Union Catalogue of JLC Libraries, based on the open source software KOHA, which hopefully would be launched on 1. November 2. 01. 0, when we celebrate the Silver Jubilee of JLC, at the United Theological College, Bangalore. Excel File In Asp Net C# on this page. We give God the glory for His faithfulness and guidance through all these 2. JLCs journey, as a forum of like minded people with similar concerns and experiences. The JLC has truly been instrumental in sharpening our skills as we learnt through seminars, lectures, individual sharing and visits to other libraries. May it continue its mission in serving libraries of Christian institutions in and around Bangalore.

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